Sable fish and Scallops on hazelnut pesto with sepia ink rotini and fresh hedgehogs

It is not heart shaped nor red but I think that plate could make a very successful Valentine’s day dinner if you are lucky enough to celebrate. Fresh sable fish, sometimes called black cod, has just arrived to Vancouver Island and it is a great treat, nothing to do with cod. Its flakes are moist and tender, far superior to the halibut’s, and its flavour is one of the best in the Pacific ocean.

The pesto is made in the food processor with 1/4 cup parsley, 1/4 cup cilantro, 1/2 cup cooked spinach, 1/2 cup fresh organic  BC hazelnuts, 1/4 cup cider vinegar, 1/2 cup cream, 1/2 cup water. It is heated up on low.

The pasta is black as it is dyed naturally with cuttlefish ink  also called sepia. It is just cooked al dente in abundant salted water.

The hedgehogs mushrooms were picked near Victoria  between snow patches in the woods and they are sauteed in butter with a diced clove  of garlic added towards the end.

The sable fish  and scallops were cooked in a frying pan with olive oil on high for a short time. The fish skin is very  crispy and delicious once browned so leave it on for sure.

Serve with Champagne, of course!

About thecookingfrog
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4 Responses to Sable fish and Scallops on hazelnut pesto with sepia ink rotini and fresh hedgehogs

  1. Linda F. says:

    Sable fish is one of my faves….discovered it in Ontario about two years ago under the Black Cod name. It is such an amazing fish…the huge flakes or chunks the separate as it is cooking, and texture, and taste are all wonderful. I don’ t see it on sale much here now…but it was yummy while we could get it. Not cheap though! This is a lovely recipe. – LAF

  2. Skyler says:

    Love the contrasting colours with the squid ink pasta, mmmm…I shy away from using this usually but with such a colourful plate and the different textures too, it works really well. (And way too much Valetine’s stuff on the blogs, if I see another heart cake and pink icing I might have to cut off my internet until it’s all over!)

  3. Linda says:

    So beautiful to look at, as well as tasting delicious, I’m sure!

    You’ve outdone yourself this time, frog.

  4. jerome says:

    this is over the top!

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