Roasted Pork Tenderloin, wrapped in bacon, more tender and moist

Sometimes you need a nice dinner that does not  require a lot of work, maybe after a long day of skiing or a long day period. Most of the time spent on this recipe is roasting time, during which you can have drinks with your friends or a nap if you are exhausted. No need to check on the food very much either, it roasts together nicely in one dish.

You can adjust the quantities according to the number or guests, one tenderloin is enough for 2 or 3 depending on its size. First, I sprinkle thyme and rosemary on the meat and I wrap each tenderloin (the filet) in 2 slices of bacon. It keeps the moisture in,  prevents it from browning too much and getting hard on the outside. In a greased (olive oil is healthiest, butter is best, bit of both is what I do!) oven roaster, I put together the tenderloin with peeled carrots split through the middle lengthwise, potatoes cut in eights, sliced onion, and peeled apple quarters. I let everything roast about 40 minutes at 350 in a convection oven and it is all  ready at the same time. The pork should be just about past pink with still all the juice inside, otherwise it is overdone and dry. You may have to reduce the heat if it is going to fast, better to do that than reduce the cooking time, the meat will be more tender. 

Slice just before serving

Of course there is no limit to what you can add to the roaster pan. Peppers, mushrooms, cut-up turnips, yams, all cook fast enough. Also, a clove of garlic cut in four can be hidden between the meat and the bacon.

Slice and serve with Dijon mustard or chutney  and white wine.

About thecookingfrog
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5 Responses to Roasted Pork Tenderloin, wrapped in bacon, more tender and moist

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have made this a few times … it is amazing! You are the best!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I will try this for sure .. and remember when I try to cook for you 20 years ago.. Vous me manquez et je vous ai enfin retrouvé !
    Valérie Lederet

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, that looks like my kind of cooking. Thanks, gb

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